Plot Band Structure and DOS

 set term postscript eps enhanced
set output 'grp.bandNdos.eps'
set multiplot

xmin=0.0 ; xmax=2.1294
ymin=-20 ; ymax=5
K1=xmin ; G = 0.899973;M=1.679372;K2=xmax

set nokey
set title "                  Band structure and DOS of graphene"
set size 0.4,0.5
set rmargin 0
set xrange [xmin:xmax]
set yrange [ymin:ymax]
set arrow from G, ymin to  G,ymax nohead lt 5 lw 1
set arrow from M, ymin to  M,ymax nohead lt 5 lw 1
set ylabel 'E - E_F (eV)'
set xtics ('K' K1,'{/Symbol G}' G, 'M' M,'K' K2)
set ytics ymin,4,ymax font 'Helvetica, 12'
plot 'grp.bands.dat' u 1:2 w l lt 1 lw 2

set title " "
set origin 0.4,0
set lmargin 0.5
set size 0.12,0.5
set yr[-20:5]
set xr[0:0.65]
set noarrow
set ytics (' '-16,' '-12, ' '-8, ' '-4,' ' 0,' '4)
set ytics nomirror
set xtics ( " " 0)
set noylabel
p  'grp.DOS' u 2:($1+5.0) w l lw 2